
How Rabbit Meat Helps Win Wars Then and Now

Rabbit meatWay back in the 1940s and 1950s, through the lean times of the Depression, rabbit meat was a popular protein source. During World War II, these were raised in the backyard to put food on the table while food supplies were being shipped to the soldiers fighting the war. It helped win the war then, but soon after, its popularity waned.

In fact, the thought of rabbits ushers other images- pets, cartoons and mascots. Considering its nutritional value, it is an amazing source of healthy and cheap meat. Top Market Meats’ Rabbit Nutritional Facts says, “Rabbit meat is high in protein, low in fat and half the calories of pork.   Also rabbit meat is an all-white meat which makes this suitable for many diets.”

More Reasons to Include Rabbit Meat in the Diet

There are many other reasons why rabbit meat is good for you. Check out the 10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Rabbit Meat  according to Rise and Shine Rabbitry: [Read more…]

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Pizza: Finding Its Roots Then and Now

pizzaIf you are among those who think pizza has all the elements of a complete meal, you are a child of the 21st century. With the convenience that eating pizza offers and the limitless possibilities of toppings and flavors, it is not surprising that Italians lost it to the world, figuratively and literally. It has been embraced by all cultures all over the world; every place now has their own version of a delicious pizza.

Have you ever wondered about the humble beginnings of pizza? Maybe you’re not as eager in its history as in devouring slices upon slices of it, but make no mistake it is something that fascinates a lot of foodies and food historians. Since the publishing of the book Pizza: A Global History by Carol Helstosky, the grapevine has been all rife with how it hasn’t really started in Naples, Italy. [Read more…]

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