
Polenta: The Rags to Riches Italian Staple

Pasta is a world favorite and everyone knows it’s an Italian staple food. Polenta is its counterpart that is widely eaten in Tuscany, Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Aldige, Piedmont, and Veneto. It was once referred to as “the food of poverty” or “il cibo della miseria” so that it wasn’t served in Italian restaurants in the past. Today it has earned a social status that let it morphed into an elegant form that makes this meals welcome even in high-end restaurants.

Polenta is made from corn and can be cooked like a thick porridge. For many centuries, it has served as a staple food for many rural people. Today it has become a really satisfying, versatile and sophisticated food presented in numerous ways – as food accessory, puree, and base for sauces and a foil for veggies, meats, mushrooms and cheese. There is a whole range of ways it can be served, cooked and presented, but the simplest is by adding grated cheese and butter. [Read more…]

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